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Penguin's First Swim at Cincinnati Zoo

A two-month-old penguin chick took her first swim lesson at Ohio’s Cincinnati Zoo,

Click here to see its first steps!

Footage posted on December 8 shows. Julep, a little blue penguin chick, was a natural in the water, the zoo said. Penguin chicks have downy feathers that are not waterproof, and have to wait until most of those feathers fall out before they can swim, the Cincinnati Zoo said.

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Penguin's First Swim at Cincinnati Zoo

A two-month-old penguin chick took her first swim lesson at Ohio’s Cincinnati Zoo,

Click here to see its first steps!

Footage posted on December 8 shows. Julep, a little blue penguin chick, was a natural in the water, the zoo said. Penguin chicks have downy feathers that are not waterproof, and have to wait until most of those feathers fall out before they can swim, the Cincinnati Zoo said.

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Penguin's First Swim at Cincinnati Zoo

A two-month-old penguin chick took her first swim lesson at Ohio’s Cincinnati Zoo,

Click here to see its first steps!

Footage posted on December 8 shows. Julep, a little blue penguin chick, was a natural in the water, the zoo said. Penguin chicks have downy feathers that are not waterproof, and have to wait until most of those feathers fall out before they can swim, the Cincinnati Zoo said.

4 Tips to Improve Your Breaststroke
Here are 4 tips from Muneki that will improve your breaststroke
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6 Tips to Improve Your Backstroke
Tips for improving your backstroke from Rebecca Adlington
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4 tips for getting back to swimming after a break
Muneki gives us tips on how to get back into a swimming routine
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