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Swimmer Spotlight: Lewis Pugh swims the Hudson River

Hey everyone, Craig here. Ever think about swimming in the Hudson River? For 315 miles?! (WOW!)  Lewis Pugh actually did exactly that just a week and a half ago! I was watching him from the path that runs along the Hudson River. He was moving so fast, I couldn't even get a good picture of him, and I was riding a bike!  He was being escorted by two coast guard boats. What an inspirational person.  

From August 13th to September 13th 2023, Pugh swam from the Adirondack Mountains to Battery Park. 50 years ago, swimming the Hudson would have been unthinkable due to its pollution. Pugh, 53, wanted to highlight the Hudson’s progress and promote the need for clean rivers worldwide. Here's the full article:

We wonder which Penguin City Swim student will perform an amazing swimming feat!  Tell us your personal swim stories and we will feature you in future newsletters.

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Swimmer Spotlight: Lewis Pugh swims the Hudson River

Hey everyone, Craig here. Ever think about swimming in the Hudson River? For 315 miles?! (WOW!)  Lewis Pugh actually did exactly that just a week and a half ago! I was watching him from the path that runs along the Hudson River. He was moving so fast, I couldn't even get a good picture of him, and I was riding a bike!  He was being escorted by two coast guard boats. What an inspirational person.  

From August 13th to September 13th 2023, Pugh swam from the Adirondack Mountains to Battery Park. 50 years ago, swimming the Hudson would have been unthinkable due to its pollution. Pugh, 53, wanted to highlight the Hudson’s progress and promote the need for clean rivers worldwide. Here's the full article:

We wonder which Penguin City Swim student will perform an amazing swimming feat!  Tell us your personal swim stories and we will feature you in future newsletters.

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Swimmer Spotlight: Lewis Pugh swims the Hudson River

Hey everyone, Craig here. Ever think about swimming in the Hudson River? For 315 miles?! (WOW!)  Lewis Pugh actually did exactly that just a week and a half ago! I was watching him from the path that runs along the Hudson River. He was moving so fast, I couldn't even get a good picture of him, and I was riding a bike!  He was being escorted by two coast guard boats. What an inspirational person.  

From August 13th to September 13th 2023, Pugh swam from the Adirondack Mountains to Battery Park. 50 years ago, swimming the Hudson would have been unthinkable due to its pollution. Pugh, 53, wanted to highlight the Hudson’s progress and promote the need for clean rivers worldwide. Here's the full article:

We wonder which Penguin City Swim student will perform an amazing swimming feat!  Tell us your personal swim stories and we will feature you in future newsletters.

4 tips for getting back to swimming after a break
Muneki gives us tips on how to get back into a swimming routine
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Grammy Award winner and daytime show host, Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer Hudson is learning how to swim as an adult.
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Swimmer Spotlight: Summer Sanders
Summer Sanders first caught the swimming world's attention in 1989
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